Ruslan Ksalov

Ruslan Ksalov

software developer

Development Stack

Python: FastAPI, AIOHTTP, Flask, Django, Zappa, SQLAlchemy, Graphene, Apache Airflow, Pandas, Spacy, sklearn, pytest, pipenv.

Databases, storages, queues: PostgreSQL, MySQL, MongoDB, Redis, Clickhouse, Greenplum, MinIO, HDFS, Kafka, RabbitMQ, ZMQ, Elasticsearch.

Clouds: AWS (EC2, ECS, Lambda, SQS, RDS & Aurora, DynamoDB, Redshift, API Gateway, Athena, Glue, Sagemaker, Mechanical Turk, S3, CloudWatch, Route53, VPC, Cognito, IAM), GCP (Compute Engine, BigQuery, Dataproc).

DevOps: Linux, Docker, Ansible, Kubernetes, Helm, TeamCity, GitLab CI/CD.


AppFollow (Senior Data Engineer, March 2021 - Oct 2021). Technologically improved the work of the analytics department; refactored the codebase; introduced airflow, data layers, data vault 2.0; implemented integrations with CRM systems (HubSpot API, SalesForce API, etc) and BI (Tableau).

MarketMuse (Senior Software Engineer, Jul 2016 - Aug 2020). Developed the server-side of an AI powered content marketing platform, solved infrastructure and scalability issues, managed and mentored junior/middle software/data engineers.

KetchAds (Software Engineer, Jul 2015 - Jul 2016). Developed an RTB (real-time binding) system.


Moscow Power Engineering Institute
  • Specialist degree, Computing machines, systems, complexes and networks (2006 - 2008);
  • Bachelor's degree, Financial management (2005 - 2006);
  • Bachelor's degree, Computer science and computer facilities (2002 - 2006).

About me

Certified engineer with 15 years of experience in software development (backend/frontend), data engineering, analytics, ML and DevOps. Still loves writing code. Sometimes writes songs. Often plays with his little daugher and cat.

This person is used to working in fast-growing startups and helps them to get things done. If you really need a non-average and creative software developer for your project, feel free to contact him in any convenient way.


[open source] Focused Web Crawler (Playwright, RMQ, Kafka, Flink, MinIO)

[pet project] (web scrapping, automated crawlers)
